Getting others to understand the plight of living with or caring for a rare disease like Alagille syndrome (ALGS) is no simple task. Even doctors may miss the signs of the toll the unbearable itch takes on the patients and family alike. With that, we decided to put the viewer in the families shoes through a virtual reality experience so see a night in the life with ALGS. We created this video in partnership with a parent of a child with ALGS and the results brought doctors to tears and reaching for their phones to check in with their patients.
The Journey Within
After the success of the SwitchRoles VR experience we were tasked to create a new experience that highlights what is happening inside of patients with ALGS to make the itch a priority for doctors. Utilizing augmented reality, we were able to replicate actual patients into AR metahumans as well as create a competitive game depicting the mechanism of action for Livmarli.
Global Website
Catered to HCPs, we were tasked with creating a website to unveiled our global campaign and provided a story on why Zeposia is the treatment of choice.
Social Media
Created for the patient and caregiver audience, we launched the Livmarli social media account that provided the audience with a space to learn more about ALGS and Livmarli.
Debuting their new corporate campaign, we reimagined the Arcus website. Marrying the core idea of 'people and science are a beautiful thing' we created a dynamic parallaxing site to entice the user to explore all that Arcus has to offer.